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We are always available to answer any questions you may have: (508) 668-9688 or [email protected]
School Year Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 4:00-7:30, Friday 4:00-6:00, and Saturday 9:15-11:15
- Parent / Toddler Girls & Boys Gymnastics
This program is for girls and boys ages 1-3 years old with a participating parent or guardian. Children will do a fun warmup with music and the parachute. They will also do engaging circuits on all 4 gymnastics events!
- Pre-K / Kinder Girls & Boys Gymnastics
This program is for girls and boys ages 3-6 years old. Segments of stretching, warm-up, and beginner gymnastics on all 4 events. Classes are structured and consist of gymnastics circuits that will break down beginner skills. Groups will broken up by age and ability.
- Girls Recreational Gymnastics
This program is for girls in Grade 1 to Grade 4. Groups are broken up by age and ability. Class is structured and consists of beginner skills on all 4 gymnastics events.
- Back Handspring & Tumbling Clinics
Beginner and Advanced Tumbling Classes for Gymnastics, Cheer and Dance! Walk-Ons or weekly classes available! We have the coaches and equipment to help each athlete achieve their goals!
- Select Teams
For all age gymnasts that have been invited to join and / or want a more competitive team. Contact us for an evaluation!
- Private Lessons
Ages 7 and up. Available for every program we offer!